- The sequel to our popular '40 Graded Flute Duets' book (Grades 1-5)
24 Graded original duets in various styles from Swing, Ragtime, Celtic, Contemporary, Comedy and more, for grades 6+
Written by music educator Keri Degg, this collection provides an excellent resource for music lessons (or just for plain old fashioned fun!). There are hints and tips at the start of each duet, and plenty of opportunities to practice leading skills and creative thinking throughout. Explore duets such as; Chinese lanterns (fairly minimalist), Mirrors (slightly contemporary in mood), Seventh Heaven (a swing number), The Homeland (Celtic style with a bagpipe-type intoduction), Bugs on the bananas (a theme and variations duet that takes us through various styles including Klezmer, Mozart and Faure), and many many more.....
More Graded Flute Duets is the sequel publication to our popular 40 Graded Flute Duets (Grades 1-5) book and although the pitch ranges are often kept on the fairly safe side (with the lower part being generally lower than the upper, so great for the slightly less confident player, or teacher/pupil duets), challenge is provided often through tricky rhythms and key signatures, the demand for effective imaginitive thinking and leading skills.
A sample video of the Saxophone Duets edition of the sheet music can be seen above, and you can also watch it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8cjt4VmTzg. Audio of 'The Chase' can be found HERE, and the rest of the audio for the flute version will be made available soon.
More Graded Flute Duets is available here as a Printed (posted book) edition and also available as an instant download via our Digital Editions Shop here: https://payhip.com/b/hCxSc
More Graded Flute Duets
Keri Degg