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  • First tunes for the beginner saxophone player.

  • With 'jam notes' options for added fun!

  • Includes audio tracks.

  • A super easy book of first pieces.


First Steps Saxophone is an exciting collaboration between Rob Hughes (sponsored D'Addario Jazz artist), and Paul Harvey (composer and musician).


The book moves at a very steady pace - introducing new ideas gradually, enabling you to create a strong secure foundation for your musical journey. The first piece for example only uses two notes (D, and C) and crotchet notes. Later on additional notes, staccato, legato, tied, and dotted notes are introduced. 


First Steps is aimed at brand new players up to grade 1 level, however by using the 'Jam Notes' feature the book has a far longer shelf life.  


For each piece there is a Jam Notes box (a musical paint pallete, as it were) to encourage students to listen, create, and free style their own music, let their hair down and escape the hard slog of reading the music.


First Steps is invaluable for maintaining motivation in the early months, plus encouraging learning and creativity through onther means of simply reading the notation.


Included is a basic finger/note chart*, basic theory guide page, and a 'How to use the Jam Notes' page (there is also a YouTube video being planned very shortly with extended tutorials on 'how to').


The book is comprised of: universal instrumental part, piano accompaniments, and audio featuring full demo, and backing tracks for both Bb and Eb saxophones.


First Steps is also available in Clarinet and Flute editions.


A sample video of the sheet music can be seen above, and you can also watch it on YouTube here:


First Steps is available here as a Printed (posted book) edition with audio downloads code, but is also available as an instant download via our Digital Editions Shop here:


* Finger/note guide chart is accessible via free download using the code provided.

First Steps (Saxophone)

  • Rob Hughes & Paul Harvey

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